Welcome to LordMU Season 19 2-3




Server Rules

**The following guidelines have been designed to ensure the quality of our services.**

**MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3**

MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 is a trade name given to a varied online game from MU ONLINE, produced by the Korean company WebZen. We have a good structure of equipment, technology, and systems to provide all interested parties with the best interaction with players from around the world via the internet. The services offered by MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 are the servers of an online game, dedicated to anyone who agrees to these terms, with the aim of relaxing our users. All our basic services are completely free.

MUONLINE is a fan site and is NOT affiliated with Webzen Inc. All trademarks and product names are registered and owned by their respective authors. MUONLINE has no plans to profit; the site and all revenues generated through donations are used to cover site expenses (servers, domains, etc.).

**1- OBLIGATIONS OF MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3**

1-A) Ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the servers, adopting all necessary measures with USERS to avoid harm to their operation;
1-B) Provide technical support to USERS, when an active donor, consisting of information about the server and the game, as much as possible;
1-C) Provide technical support via online assistance through the site, within a maximum of 72 hours. Support via instant messaging programs and phone is excluded.
1-D) Inform USERS 24 hours in advance about necessary interruptions for technical adjustments or maintenance that will take more than 3 (three) hours, except in cases of urgency, understood as those that jeopardize the regular functioning of our network (electricity company, internet connection, or hardware issues);
1-E) Keep the server online for 99% of the time (uptime guarantee - monthly average). Excluded from the guarantee are interruptions necessary for technical adjustments or maintenance, service interruptions caused by negligence of companies involved in the internet connection process, communication line failures of the Data Center, user errors, theft or destruction by unauthorized access, hard drive failure (defective hardware is rare but unpredictable and unavoidable), and unforeseen situations such as wars, earthquakes, typhoons, and other fortuitous events. If the server goes offline for reasons not mentioned above, MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 guarantees that no user will be harmed, compensating any gameplay delays later.
1-F) Perform backups every 6 hours of ALL registered accounts. No guarantee is given, in any form, regarding the integrity of these backups. Backups are made solely for the purpose of restoring servers in the event of a fortuitous physical damage to a machine’s main hard drive. If there is a loss of data for ALL Users due to an error on the part of MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3, MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 will recover the data through backups, solely and exclusively if ALL users are affected by the loss.


Penalties for violating the conditions below may result in account suspension or termination.

2-A) Improper use of game bugs, hack/cheat programs, item cloning, etc. Violating this rule may result in your account being DELETED.
2-B) Disrespect towards administrators, Game Masters, moderators, or other players. Violating this rule may result in your account being BLOCKED FOR 7 DAYS.
2-C) Being an accomplice to malicious players and/or accepting illegal help in the game. Violating this rule may result in your account being DELETED.
2-D) Offensive complaints and/or criticism of events held by GMs in the game. Events are not obligations of MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 but situations created to further entertain game participants. No player is obliged to participate in an event and therefore has no right to make offensive complaints. Violating this rule may result in your account being BLOCKED FOR 7 DAYS.
2-E) Buying, selling, or trading your account or in-game items for money or any other material goods outside of our site platform (Market). Violating this rule may result in your account being DELETED, along with the items, and the buyer may have their account BLOCKED FOR 90 DAYS.
2-F) Sharing your account with friends, family, or anyone else. Two or more people playing on the same account creates serious security issues. Any potential password loss will never be considered a server fault. Violating this rule may result in your account being DELETED, and you will have no right to support or item recovery.
2-G) Displaying threats or insults towards the MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 team, of any kind and in any situation. All threats will be considered disrespectful. Violating this rule may result in your account being DELETED.
2-H) Advertising other servers, cheat forums, or any other site not related to MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3. Violating this rule may result in your account being DELETED.
2-I) Making donations using illegal means. Violating this rule may result in your account being DELETED.
2-J) Impersonating a member of the MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 administration. Violating this rule may result in your account being DELETED.
2-K) Any form of racism. A user caught discriminating against someone may have their account BLOCKED FOR 7 DAYS.
2-L) Criticizing users who contribute to the maintenance of the server. These users keep the server online. A user caught in such acts may have their account BLOCKED FOR 7 DAYS.
2-M) Making unfounded accusations against other players. A user caught based on reports may have their account BLOCKED FOR 7 DAYS.
2-N) Misusing global commands (/post or /gpost) for arguments, insults, or flooding. Global commands are for helping players negotiate their items and interact. Players who misuse them may have their account or character BANNED FOR 7 DAYS. Repeated offenses may result in a 15-day BAN.
2-O) Misusing chat (General, Party, Guild, Gens, or Whisper) with vulgar language, sexual, offensive, or racist terms. A player who does this may have their account BLOCKED FOR 3 DAYS. Repeated offenses may result in a 7-day BLOCK.
2-P) Disregarding any extra game rules specified on the MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 website, forum, or Discord. Any USER who disrespects such rules may be temporarily or permanently blocked from the game.
2-Q) Engaging in discussions that may violate Federal laws (of any country). Our Private Servers do not support any acts that break government laws. It is the administration's duty to ensure that no member of our servers commits or violates federal laws while in the game and/or on the forum.
2-R) Any attempt to reverse a donation is considered fraud. Account and MAC HWID banning.


3-A) Keep your account ACTIVE for at least 120 days. Users with more than 120 days of inactivity on the server will be placed on the INACTIVE players list and may have their accounts deleted during maintenance.
3-B) Ensure that you do not lose items in the game. This includes loss of items due to carelessness with passwords. Any item on your account, whether purchased from our Item Shop or acquired in-game, is your TOTAL responsibility, and MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 is not obligated to offer any guarantee regarding the maintenance of this item on your account.
3-C) Do not accept help from other players regarding access to the site, forum, or Discord.
3-D) Ensure the security of your password, preventing others from seeing you enter it, and keeping your computer free of spywares and keyloggers that could leak your password to malicious users.
3-E) Make financial transactions (donations) to MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 ONLY IF you are certain of your action. Under no circumstances will MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 refund donated amounts due to any subsequent dissatisfaction regarding server gameplay or account data loss, as well as items purchased from our Item Shop. When making a contribution (deposits/PIX or payments) to the server, it is considered a DONATION.
3-F) REGARDING ACCESS DATA: The user, email, and password will be created by the USER during the account creation in the system. MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 reserves the right NOT to allow email changes after account validation via email. The security of the password for accessing the system is the sole responsibility of the USER. MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 will not be held responsible for misuse or loss of it.


MUONLINE management does not issue refunds for any digital products and services after the order is placed.

We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or using our products.





MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 reserves the right to change any technical procedures related to the contracted services without prior notice.

MUONLINE Season 19 Part 2-3 reserves the right to modify any part of the terms of use without prior notice, with subsequent notification on our news system or emails.

If a user is dissatisfied with the service provided, they must leave our servers without the need for notice and without any right to


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